Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Working Title: Novel #3

I'm happily rolling along next to the wide, choppy Madison River through the grass- covered hillsand mountains of southern Montana on the way over to Idaho. This western landscape of 
cowgirls and cattle reminds me of the novel I'm currently writing. It's  peopled with the likes of 
cowgirls in the Wild West shows of a bygone era and a young burlesque show ballet dancer 
performing in theaters in towns like Tombstone, Bisbee and Pearl before burlesque turned to
These women are long in their graves, but our heroin, Star Lance of Arrowstar (1st novel in the series) fame, decides to dig up and write about their robust lives spent catering to the entertainment lust of lonesome miners, cowboys, and the like. 
Her research uncovers secrets some in the small southwestern Arizona town of Mineral City 
would rather stayed buried with these women. Star is relentless because her future in Mineral
City depends on the success of her next historical fiction novel. (her first titled A Train Robber's Tale)
Will Star make it as an author and continue to keep her antique store open even while stirring 
up the hidden passions of her neighbors? And how does the new sheriff, J. D. Rafferty figure 
into this drama? 
I'm eight chapters into the  writing, and I can hardly wait to find out what Star uncovers next! 
Just crossed over into Idaho and the mountains crowding the road are towering even higher 
than those left behind in Montana. 

Let me know if you've read Arrowstar and if you're awaiting Novel #3. Your 
comments are always welcome here. The best way to find my novels: 

Look for an excerpt from Novel #3 in an upcoming posting.

Write On! 

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